A Message from the Director

From Jenn Thomas, the Director of The Rocky Horror Show

This week's schedule: January 6 - 10, 2014
Mon: music
1-2 Sean
2-3 Jorin
3-4 Alika

Tues: music
3-4 Taylor

Weds: music/character
3-5 C-Jay acting
3-5 Full Company time warp (not Poasa)
5-6 C-Jay music

Thurs: music
3-4 Dylan
4-5 Kailey
5-6 Sarah

Friday: music
3-6:30 Full Company

Aloha Rocky People!

Our next rehearsal will be this Saturday, January 4th from 10am - 2pm at KHSPAC. We will be doing character work, finding the mood/spirit of the show, and doing a play-through of the entire script. Come ready to move and to use your voices and creativity! Get to know the music - at least the general melody/meaning of your songs. (Phantoms - listen to the backup singers on each soundtrack - not sure which we're using yet.)

Please bring a snack to sustain you, or something to share if you are so inclined, since we will be rehearsing through all reasonable lunch-times. We will take a break. 

Please let me know if you cannot make it to any portion of this rehearsal - I have your conflicts, but they're not in one place where I can look, yet, so, hard to keep them all straight. 

Tuesday is your last day to turn in - in writing - any conflicts you may have overlooked, or were not able to give me specific dates and times. You cannot miss rehearsal without an excused conflict in writing. Tuesday, January 7th. 

Please share this info with your parental units. I will re-post this to the Facebook page. I will send this schedule to your parents' emails - hopefully tonight - oh, so  many emails to add to the list!

Does anyone have school on Monday, Jan 6th? Not sure how to schedule that day yet, but for Tuesday, Jan 7th - I am waiting to see who we need that day, may be full company for music rehearsal. 

I sent you all an email via Dropbox with the 3 soundtracks we will be working from. You will need to load Dropbox onto your computer/electronic device, and load the music from there. Please use the soundtracks for inspiration - do not copy other actors artistry - find you own, it's so much more interesting and authentic! Let me know if you have a problem loading the music. 

Happy New Year!

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