Spring Musical

Thanks again for a productive week!  I appreciate all your hard work and for putting in the long hours.  We're getting real close so let's keep moving forward! ~ Michael

P.S. Your school show permission forms are due tomorrow (Monday, February 2nd).  Please have your teachers sign the form so that you can be excused from school.

THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE: February 2 - February 8, 2015
* schedule and location is subject to change *

Monday, February 2 - Dance & Acting
01:30pm-03:30pm    Stage    Acting         Christopher, Queen, King, Lionel
03:30pm-07:00pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company (no Hana, Isabel, Karina, and Mina)  

Tuesday, February 3 - Music & Acting
03:30pm-07:00pm    MPR      Music         Full Company
03:30pm-07:00pm    Stage     Acting        TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)

Wednesday, February 4 - Dance, Music, & Acting
03:30pm-07:00pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company
03:30pm-07:00pm    MPR      Music        TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)
03:30pm-07:00pm    Lobby    Acting       TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)

Thursday, February 5 - Stumble Through
03:30pm-07:00pm    Stage                     Full Company
Friday, February 6 - Ala Moana Center Promo
03:00pm                   Call Time                                 
Full Company
03:30pm                   Depart KHS
04:00pm                   Arrive at Ala Moana Center
05:00pm                   Showtime
06:00pm                   End

SaturdayFebruary 7 - 
Dance, Music, Windward Mall Promo
09:30am-01:45pm    Stage          Dance                   Full Company
01:45pm-02:15pm    LUNCH - We're not letting anyone leave the premises so bring a home-packed lunch.
02:15pm-03:00pm    MPR            Music                    Full Company
03:00pm                   Depart KHS
04:00pm                   Arrive at Windward Mall
05:00pm                   Showtime
06:00pm                   End

Sunday, February 8 - Stumble Through w/ Costumes (no make-up or hair)
12:00pm Call Time    MPR                       Full Company
12:30pm Showtime    Stage                     Full Company


Hi Everyone,

Now that we are less than a month away, rehearsals will be ending later and Sunday's will be added.  We will give you breaks in between so please bring something to snack on to help you get through the long days.  Also, we will do our best to utilize everyone at all times, but bring your homework in case there is downtime and you're not being used.  It is important to keep your grades up so please be responsible.

Starting now, we need your 100% focus.  I want everyone to have fun at rehearsals, but save the outside conversations for later.  When we run something and reset, we want you to stay focused so that we can start again quickly.  Not only does it help us out, it'll help you out because you're staying in the moment.  Otherwise, we'll just be wasting valuable time and energy.  Cellphones should be put away and you should be paying attention to what's going on even if you're not being directed.  If you're not involved in a scene or number, take the initiative and grab your scene/dance/music partner(s) and run it on your own.  Let's help each other out so that we can keep moving forward.  Thank you!

Hope you're having a great weekend and I'll see you all tomorrow! ~ Michael 

THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE: January 26 - February 1, 2015
* schedule and location is subject to change *

Monday, January 26 - Dance & Acting
03:30pm-07:00pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company
03:30pm-05:30pm    MPR      Acting        TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)
05:30pm-06:30pm    Lobby    Parent Meeting (no Cast; only parents, MJ, and Michael)    

Tuesday, January 27 - Dance, Music & Acting
02:30pm-03:30pm    Stage    Dance        Queen, King
03:30pm-07:00pm    MPR      Music         Full Company
03:30pm-07:00pm    Stage     Acting        TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)

Wednesday, January 28 - Dance, Music, & Acting
03:30pm-07:00pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company

03:30pm-07:00pm    MPR      Music        TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)
03:30pm-07:00pm    Lobby    Acting       TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)

Thursday, January 29 - Dance, Music, & Acting
03:30pm-07:00pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company

03:30pm-07:00pm    MPR      Music        TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)
03:30pm-07:00pm    Lobby    Acting       TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)
Friday, January 30 - Dance, Music, & Acting

03:30pm-08:30pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company

03:30pm-08:30pm    MPR      Music        TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)
03:30pm-08:30pm    Lobby    Acting       TBD (will be pulling people who aren't being used)

Saturday, January 31 - Dance & Acting
09:30am-12:30pm    Stage    Dance       TBD
12:30pm-01:00pm    BREAK
01:00pm-06:00pm    Stage    Acting        TBD

Sunday, February 1 - Sitzprobe
10:00am-01:00pm    Stage    Dance       Full Company
01:00pm-01:30pm    LUNCH BREAK
01:30pm-06:30pm    U-1        Music        Full Company and Band

Hi Everyone,
We are now 5 weeks away from opening.  That's roughly 30 more rehearsal days before we have an audience.  We've reached the point where we need all of you at practice so no more new conflicts please.  Also, every minute is valuable so plan on arriving early and be ready to go at the scheduled times.  I'm not going to lie, the next several weeks will be extremely grueling, but we need your help and cooperation to make this the best show possible.  Thank you in advance and I appreciate all the hard work you have put in so far! ~ Michael

THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE: January 19 - January 25, 2015
* schedule and location is subject to change *

Monday, January 19 - Dance
10:00am-12:30pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company (no Mice)
12:30pm-01:00pm    LUNCH BREAK - We're not letting anyone leave the premises so bring a home-packed lunch. 
01:00pm-04:00pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company * add Mice

Tuesday, January 20 - Music
03:30pm-06:30pm    MPR      Music         Full Company

Wednesday, January 21 - Dance
03:30pm-06:30pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company

Thursday, January 22 - Dance & Music
03:30pm-06:00pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company
06:00pm-06:30pm    MPR      Music         Full Company

Friday, January 23 - Dance

03:30pm-07:00pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company

Saturday, January 24 - Acting
To be determined

Sunday, January 25 - OFF

Thanks for your patience! Here's the new rehearsal schedule. Please be ready for anything and bring your scripts, music, and dance clothes everyday. ~ Michael

THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE: January 12 - January 18, 2015
* schedule and location is subject to change *

Monday, January 12 - Dance
03:30-06:30pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company

Tuesday, January 13 - Music
03:30-06:30pm    MPR      Music         Full Company

Wednesday, January 14 - Dance
03:30-06:30pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company

Thursday, January 15 - Acting & Dance
03:30-05:00pm    Stage    Act 1 & 2    Full Company
05:00-06:30pm    Stage    Dance        Full Company

Friday, January 16 - Dance

03:30-06:30pm    Stage    Dance        Full Comapny

Saturday, January 17 - Acting
To be determined

Sunday, January 18 - OFF

This is it!  Our final week before school starts up again.  We are almost at the halfway point of our rehearsal process.  Thanks so much for all your hard work thus far!  Please continue to stay focused and continue to explore your characters.  Now is the time to discover.  Don't be afraid to ask questions and try new things.  Just remember to be precise and everything you do must have a purpose or motivation behind it.

Again, if anyone needs additional help outside of these scheduled times to work on character, acting, or anything in general, please let me know and I'd be more than happy to find extra time for you. ~ Michael

THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE: January 5 - January 11, 2015
* schedule and location is subject to change *

Monday, January 5 - Music
12:00-02:00pm    MPR    Music    Christopher
02:00-04:00pm    MPR    Music    * add Cinderella
04:00-05:30pm    MPR    Music    * add Fairy Godmother

Tuesday, January 6 - Acting & Music

11:00-11:30am    Stage    Act 1, Sc 2    Cinderella, Stepmother, Grace, Joy (no animals)
11:30-12:00pm    Stage    Act 1, Sc 4    Cinderella, Stepmother, Grace, Joy (no animals)
12:00-12:30pm    Stage    Act 2, Sc 4    Cinderella, Stepmother, Grace, Joy (no animals)
12:30-01:00pm    Stage    Act 1, Sc 1    Cinderella, Stepmother, Grace, Joy, Christopher, Lionel (no villagers)
01:00-01:30pm    Stage    Act 2, Sc 6    Cinderella, Stepmother, Grace, Joy, Christopher, Lionel (no villagers)

Stage    Act 1, Sc 3    Christopher, Lionel, Queen, King


Stage    Act 2, Sc 3    Christopher, Lionel, Queen, King (no animals)


Act 2, Sc 2    Cinderella, Christopher, Grace, Joy

04:00-05:00pm    Stage    Act 1, Sc 5    Cinderella, Fairy Godmother (no animals)
05:00-05:30pm    Stage    Act 1, Sc 6    Cinderella, Fairy Godmother

12:00-01:30pm    MPR    Music    Lionel

01:30-03:00pm    MPR    Music    

Grace, Joy

03:00-04:30pm    MPR    Music    

Queen, King
04:30-05:30pm    MPR    Music    Christopher

Wednesday, January 7 - Acting
01:00-02:30pm    Stage    Run Act 1    Principals only (no animals, no villagers)
02:30-04:00pm    Stage    Fix Act 1      Principals only (no animals, no villagers)
04:00-05:30pm    Stage    Run Act 1    Principals only (no animals, no villagers)

Thursday, January 8 - Acting
01:00-02:30pm    Stage    Run Act 2    Principals only (no animals, no villagers)
02:30-04:00pm    Stage    Fix Act 2      Principals only (no animals, no villagers)
04:00-05:30pm    Stage    Run Act 2    Principals only (no animals, no villagers)

Friday, January 9 - Music

12:00-01:30pm    MPR    Music    Cinderella
01:30-05:30pm    MPR    Music    Full Company

Saturday, January 10 - Music
12:00-01:30pm    MPR    Cast Photos    Full Company    
01:30-05:30pm    MPR    Music              Full Company

06:00-10:00pm    Movie Night in the Auditorium (Movie Title TBD)

Sunday, January 11 - OFF

THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE: December 29, 2014 - January 4, 2015
* schedule and location is subject to change *

Monday, December 29 - Acting & Music
10:30-03:30pm    MPR    Music            Cinderella
03:30-05:30pm    MPR    Music            Grace, Joy
03:30-04:30pm    U-2      Act 2, Sc 2    Cinderella, Christopher (no Grace, no Joy)
04:30-05:15pm    U-2      Act 1, Sc 3    Christopher, Lionel, Queen, King
05:15-06:00pm    U-2      Act 2, Sc 3    Christopher, Lionel, Queen, King (no animals)

Tuesday, December 30 - Acting & Music

11:00-11:30am    Stage    Act 1, Sc 2    Cinderella, Stepmother, Grace, Joy (no animals)
11:30-12:00pm    Stage    Act 1, Sc 4    Cinderella, Stepmother, Grace, Joy (no animals)
12:00-12:30pm    Stage    Act 2, Sc 4    Cinderella, Stepmother, Grace, Joy (no animals)
12:30-01:00pm    Stage    Act 1, Sc 1    Cinderella, Stepmother, Grace, Joy, Christopher, Lionel (no villagers)
01:00-01:30pm    Stage    Act 2, Sc 6    Cinderella, Stepmother, Grace, Joy, Christopher, Lionel (no villagers)

01:30-05:30pm    MPR     Music             Full Company

06:00-10:00pm    $6 Ward Theatres Movie Night "Into the Woods" (Rated PG)

Wednesday, December 31 - OFF

Thursday, January 1 - OFF

Friday, January 2 - Acting

01:00-02:00pm    Stage    

Act 2, Sc 2    Cinderella, Christopher (no Grace, no Joy)

02:00-02:45pm    Stage    

Act 2, Sc 2    *add Grace and Joy

02:45-03:30pm    Stage    

Act 2, Sc 5    Christopher, Lionel (no villagers)

03:30-04;30pm    Stage    Act 1, Sc 5    Cinderella, Fairy Godmother (no animals)
04:30-05:30pm    Stage    Act 1, Sc 6    Cinderella, Fairy Godmother

Saturday, January 3 - Acting & Music

Stage    Act 1, Sc 3    Christopher, Lionel, Queen, King

01:00-01:30pm    Stage    Act 2, Sc 3    Christopher, Lionel, Queen, King (no animals)

01:30-05:30pm    MPR     Music             Full Company

06:00-10:00pm    Themed Karaoke Night / Potluck

2013 - 2014

Rocky Horror Show
Cast List

Trixie: Kailey Agpaoa
Brad Majors: Dylan Bell
Janet Weiss: Malia Lane
Narrator: Natasha Fehn
Riff Raff: Sean Ramsey
Magenta: Sarah-Marie Daniels
Columbia: Jorin Young
Dr. Frank N. Furter: C-Jay Quinto
Rocky: Alika Bright
Eddie: Poasa Aga
Dr. Scott: Taylor Silva

Jessabeth Aggacid
Monalyn Aparra
Harold Calipjo
Diana Chan
Toshiko Davidson
Pualani Lansing
Anthony Lee
Serina Lipman
Travis Namba
Kady Valledor
Allen Vo

Audience Participation Phantoms:
Liza Marie Corotan
Aezia Jardin
Aleanna Kileleman
Nathan Keovichith
Kristina Shin
Uilani Kiyan

2012 - 2013
Mariah Gonzalez as Young Violet and Victor DeMarco as Father

Kaimuki High School

Performing Arts Center

Presents its annual Spring Musical


February 22nd, 23rd and March 1st, 2nd, 8th and 9th - 7:30 pm

February 24th and March 3th and 10th – 3:00 pm

Kaimuki High School Performing Arts Center loyal fans likely remember our past performances of

Pirates of  Penzance, Little Shop of  Horrors and Grease, which was our most recent and successful production to date.  This year we celebrate 26 years on the stage by presenting the Hawaiipremier of Violet!  Violet Karl of Spruce Pine, NC is about to embark on a odyssey to visit a Preacher she has seen on TV, hoping that he can heal the disfiguring facial scar she’s had since adolescence.  As she travels through the Deep South of 1964, she meets two soldiers who may be called to fight in Viet Nam, who fall in love with her, and discovers that even though the scar cannot be healed, she can still heal her soul.

Dramatic issues addressed in this show include: whether beauty is physical or internal; what it is to grow up in a place where, because of a physical disfigurement, you are considered bad; racial issues in the Civil-Rights Era South and military, as one of the soldiers is White and the other Black.

Based on the short story "The Ugliest Pilgrim" by Doris Betts, this Wizard of Oz-style quest story features music by   Jeanine Tesori, composer of "Caroline, or Change" and "Thoroughly Modern Millie" and won the 1997 New York Drama critics Circle Award for Best Musical, the Lucille Lortel Award for Outstanding Musical, and the Obie Award Special Citation for Jeanine Tesori's music.

Our enthusiastic and talented actors, represent various public schools from Hawaii including Farrington, Kaimuki, Kalani, McKinley and Roosevelt High Schools and Jarrett and Washington Middle Schools.  They will be joined by KHSPAC alumni, all working together to produce a fantastic evening of entertainment.  Come join us!

Violet will be performed on February 22nd, 23rd and March 1st, 2nd, 8th and 9th at 7:30 pm.  Additional performances are on February 24th and March 3th and 10th at 3:00 pm.    With ID, elementary and high school students, military and seniors citizens over 65 are $6.  Adult tickets are $12. Box office opens one hour before each performance for ticket sales.  Tickets are also on line at honoluluboxoffice.com and Harry’s Music Store.


Kaimuki High School Theatre is located at 2705 Kaimuki Ave., between Kapahulu Ave. and Kapiolani Blvd.


ABOUT KHSPAC:  Kaimuki High School Performing Arts Center offers classes in acting, music, dance and technical theater at no cost to public school students all over Oahu. The program’s mission is based on the belief that performing arts develop important life skills including discipline, teamwork, creativity, self-awareness, confidence, focus and appreciation of the performing arts. Under the direction of M.J. Matsushita, the program and its musical and dramatic productions involve about 160 students who present three major productions per school year.  KHSPAC is one of three Department of Education learning centers for performing arts on Oahu.

For more information, contact Joanne Libarios, 733-4913 or via e-mail at jlibarios@gmail.com


Kaimuki High School Performing Arts Learning Center offers classes in acting, music, dance and technical theater at no cost to public school students all over Oahu. The program’s mission is based on the belief that performing arts develop important life skills including discipline, teamwork, creativity, self-awareness, confidence, focus and appreciation of the performing arts. Under the direction of M.J. Matsushita, the program and its musical and dramatic productions involve over 160 students who present three major productions per school year.  KHSPAC is one of three Department of Education learning centers for performing arts on Oahu.

2012 Spring Musical

 The Cast of Grease 2012

Danny........Poasa Aga
Sandy........Malia Lane
Rizzo.......Kyla Anderson
... Frenchy.......Briana Kuni
Marty.....Alaura Ward
Jan........Lorreine Corotan
Kenickie.......Dwayne Sakaguchi
Doody.....Chev-Vaughn Lum
Roger....Kalena Arasato
Sonny......Victor DeMarco
Patty........Allison Chu
Cha-Cha.....Jorin Young
Eugene.....Shad Church
Vince Fontaine.....Samson Tafolo
Johnny Casino.....Golden Kahumoku
Teen Angel......Samuel Tafolo
Miss Lynch......Candice Kiyabu
Jessica Camat
Diana Chan
Arielle Johnston
Ashley Kahl
Travis Namba
Lattrecia Norman
Robert Piamon
Christian Jay Quinto
Sean Ramsey
Taylor Silva
Emi Yamada
Jasmine Yamamoto
Noah Yamamoto

Special Appearance by:
Mrs. Nancy Sulliban

We are pleased to welcome back Musical Director NaniLisa Pascua, Choreographer Deanna Luster. First time director with us is khspac alumni Michael Ng.