Monday, December 16, 2013

Rocky Horror Show Cast list

Aloha Rocky Cast!
Please check the cast list below and be at our first rehearsal on Wednesday from 3:30-5:30. Parent meeting will follow from 5:30-6:30. You must be at first rehearsal, Parents must be at parent meeting. All actors are also called to rehearsal this Friday 3-6:30.
We will be taking costume measurements at Wednesday's rehearsal.

Cast list is also attachment.

Rocky Horror Show
Cast List

Trixie: Kailey Agpaoa
Brad Majors: Dylan Bell
Janet Weiss: Malia Lane
Narrator: Natasha Fehn
Riff Raff: Sean Ramsey
Magenta: Sarah-Marie Daniels
Columbia: Jorin Young
Dr. Frank N. Furter: Christian Jay Quinto
Rocky: Alika Bright
Eddie: Poasa Aga
Dr. Scott: Taylor Silva

Jessabeth Aggacid
Monalyn Aparra
Harold Calipjo
Diana Chan
Toshiko Davidson
Pualani Lansing
Anthony Lee
Serina Lipman
Travis Namba
Jessica Sasabe
Stephen Statam
Kady Valledor
Allen Vo

Audience Participation Phantoms:
Rashid Collins
Liza Marie Corotan
Aezia Jardin
Aleanna Kileleman
Nathan Keovichith
Uilani Kyan
Christine Martinez
Royce Okazaki
Kristina Shin

Thank you to all who auditioned!

First rehearsal is this Wednesday, December 18th, 3:30-5:30 followed by parent meeting from 5:30-6:30. All actors are called to first rehearsal and also to Friday's rehearsal from 3-6:30. All parents must attend the parent meeting.

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